Just a few before/after photos showing what we do....
Above see Aragorn (racehorse Italian Skier) as he arrived and was restored and ultimately became able to fully embrace life again.

Above, Captain Jack Sparrow as he arrived from a western feedlot and was restored and ultimately found his exuberant self.
Above, Elijah as he arrived, after rescue from a direct to Mexico feedlot, his hooves a nightmare. Elijah blossomed under our knowledgeable care. All do. It takes time, expertise and love. Elijah is adopted and living in a VERY fancy farm with amazing care. When you restore life to a horse, it is the very best feeling.
Above, Ginger (racehorse How Dry Cyane) slaughter rescue. After photo at 35yrs old. She was refused by the slaughter yard, they actually wanted $35 to kill her. The kill buyer gave her to us. We did not think she would last the night. She proved us wrong and blossomed under proper care. She lived with us for years and passed away fat, happy and knowing she was greatly loved.
Above, Waverly aged Tennessee Walker slaughter rescue. Photo of arrival and after care. His full story on the horses page.
Above, Jewel an aged Arabian mare upon arrival and after care. She was abused and her owner had to flee an abuser herself. Bad situations happen every day to innocent people and animals. Judge nobody. Be kind always. You never know what somebody is having to deal with.